Postcard from Germany

Authors Note: My parents had email issues for a while and decided I did not need updates, or I was unloved or they no longer cared to keep me informed. I missed several posts from them. Everything is finally sorted and there is a lot of posts in the bank. Expect quite a few over the next week.


Well, the tour ended last night with a farewell dinner. It was a lot of fun. We met a lot of really nice people. Aussies and Kiwis really know how to have a good time.
It was a great tour and we saw a lot of really interesting places. Today we changed hotels to be closer to our motorhome pickup point. Germany closes down on Sundays and we are in an Industrial Area. Other than walk around there is not much to do. Our challenge tonight will be to find something within walking distance that is open for dinner as the hotel restaurant is closed on Sundays.
As much as I enjoyed the tour, I am glad it is over. Long days on the bus is not my idea of a good time. I am looking forward to being able to stop where we want to, drive as much or as little as we want, and have my own BATHROOM!!!
As soon as we get the motor home we are going to do 2 things to it.
1) put up our Canadian Flag on the back so everyone knows where we are from
2) place a sign that says “Free bathroom for all Canadians” and ” All others pay .35.” We should meet a lot of nice people this way and make a little cash on the side as well.
Yesterday, before our arrival in Frankfurt, we made 2 stops. One was at a medieval town that I cannot remember the name of. It was cute – your typical little German village town. The second stop was Rottenburg. Christine and Trevor will remember this from our last trip. It is a great little German town but it was jam packed with tourist this time – Saturday and peak season – to be expected. This time I walked the wall around the town. Great views but we also go it to look into people’s yards, which was kind of cool. We bought some of those pastry balls they are famous for. Who ever told them they were good enough to sell? They are dry and tasteless. I have decided to make it my mission to come up with a tasty version of it when I get home. I think the concept is pretty good but they need flavoring throughout the whole thing. As I stood in line to use the washroom (again) I heard some women from the states in front of me discussing them. Their opinion was the same as mine. Tasteless hunks of overpriced dough is all they are.
Tomorrow our plan is to pick up the RV – which we cannot do until after 3 and then head into France. We want to stop at the first Carrafour and stock up on supplies and some basic necessities. We also have to do a pile of laundry. We figure we will be in one place for at least 2 days before we head up to Verdun. We are anxious to check out the WWI museum there. It is suppose to be really good. Now that we are RVing it our emails will probably be more sporadic unless we can connect up at McDonald’s but we will do our best to keep in touch.
Mike here: We travelled part of the Romantic Road yesterday. You wouldn’t believe it!! People were making out everywhere….in ditches, backs of cars, in parks, in restrooms…it was pretty disgusting. Even on our bus…and we were on tour with a bunch of old people, well…they were making out like the plane was
going down.
Chris…..I’ve been drinking lots of beer…really, really good beer. Mom has actually been drinking beer as well – ok maybe only a few gulps at a time, but still, she is getting there. Before you know it she will be drinking her first whole glass!
1) cutesey German town
2)entrance to cutesey German town
3) town square in Rottenburg and a picture of Anna, our tour director
4) Evelyn on street looking for business
5)picture of cute house taken from wall.

1) cutesey German town

1) cutesey German town

2)entrance to cutesey German town

2)entrance to cutesey German town

3) town square in Rottenburg and a picture of Anna, our tour director

3) town square in Rottenburg and a picture of Anna, our tour director

4) Evelyn on street looking for business

4) Evelyn on street looking for business

5)picture of cute house taken from wall.

5)picture of cute house taken from wall.

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