Let’s Quit our jobs, sell everything and run away!

Sounds heavenly to most people, or scary depending on your comfort level. I would love to do this but obligations (my children) are holding me back for a few more years. My parents retired, sold all their possessions, bought a one way plane ticket to Frankfurt and last last week.


Living an adventure of a lifetime.

The plan is to travel for 5 years and see what happens. They will come back to Canada every now and then to keep their visas and healthcare working, but the rest of the time? Who knows?

My mom, Evelyn plans to send regular adventures and photos via emil to me in Canada, while my dad Mike gets into trouble. I, in turn, plan to share them with you. This way family and strangers can keep updated and my parents don’t have to stress about technology. Because quite frankly, computers are hard. Who needs THAT complication on a 5 year vacation?

This is us. Dad (Mike), Me (Robyn), Mom (Evelyn)



So lets get on with the adventure….